Wednesday, April 25, 2007

MIG 29

Specifications MIG 29 Fulcrum:
Crew: one
Armament (internal): 30mm MK

Armament (optional): AA-8 (R-60) AA-10 C (R-27) AA-10 B (R-27) AA-11 (R-73) AS-12 (Kh-25M/Kh-27) AS-14 (Kh-29)
Bombs Rockets
Ammunition: 7 interfaces (3 “wet”)
Length (over everything): 16,80m

Span: 14,25m (max.)

Height: 4,37m

Engagements weight when starting: 20.1 tons (max.)

Machine: zwo Turmanski R-33D
Spitzengeschw.: Mach 2.35 with afterburner Maximum range: 1705 km
Fuel capacity: 5000 l (internal)/1500 l (external)
Ceiling: 17500m
Maximum pay load: 3 tons

Variants: MIG-29 UB of zwositziger coaches
carrier supported In use: ehem. Warsaw Pact, Yugoslavia, Poland. Germany and others Manufacturer: Mikojan Gurewitsch /1983
status: Production runs

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

MiG 15 Mikoyan 15 UTI


Aircraft Type: MIKOYAN (Soviet Union) MiG-15 2 Seater Fighter Trainer
Performance: Maximum Speed 652 mph (1,050km/h) at sea level.
Initial Climb: 8,268 ft/min (42m/sec)
Power Plant: One Klimmov RD-45F (Rolls Royce Nene derivative) centrifugal turbojet rated at 2,270kg static thrust.
Fuel: Internal fuel capcity 1,460 litres. Optional drop tanks capacity 1,920 litres.
Weights: Empty equipped: 3382kg. Normally loaded (clean): 4806kg.
Armament: One 39mm Nudelman N-37 cannon with 40 rounds and two 23mm Nudelman-Sureanov NS-23KN cannon with 80 rpg

Messerschmitt Me262

Airplane: Messerschmitt Me262
Type: Air superiority hunters
Technical data: Airplanes decay. Airplanes historically. Tanks decay.
-Engine: two Junkers Jumo 004B1 turbines Tank historically.
-Weapons: four 30mm cannons
-Weight: Unloaded weight 3795kg, takeoff weight 6387kg
-Dimension: Span 12,50m, length 10,58m, height of 3,83m
- Achievement: 869 kmh, service ceiling of 12,190m, operation radius 525 km Sports car.
- Picture: Messerschmitt Me262

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Messerschmitt Me 163 'Komet

Messerschmitt Me 163 'Komet'

The Messerschmitt Me 163A was as a research aircraft with rocket propulsion designed by Dr. Alexander M Lippisch.

Developed from the Me 163A was the Me 163B, A single seat target defense fighter. It featured a constant 22.3 degrees of wing sweepback at quarter chord, lacked horizontal tail surfaces and utilized a jettisonable twin-wheel dolly for take off and a retractable skid for landing.

A total of six prototypes and 70 pre-series were ordered. The first prototype (Me 163B V1) was completed in April 1942, but it had to wait for the completion of the first HWK R II-211 rocket motor for it's propulsion. The first flight with the rocket engine took place on June the 23rd 1943 (prototype Me 163B V2)

The HWK 509A-1 production rocket engine produced a max. thrust of 1700 kg for 7.5 minutes.

In May 1944 the Luftwaffe accepted it's first Me 163B, unofficially it was called 'Komet' a total of 279 Me163's were delivered, it was not very successful, 80 per cent suffered damage from take off or landing accidents and 15 per cent lost control in a dive or had fire onboard in the air.

Development of the Me 163C from the Me 163B with improved rocket engine that could last for 19 minutes started in January 1943, testing scheduled for August 1944 newer took place. No Me163C was ever completed or tested.

Developing Nation: Germany
Manufacturer/designer: Messerschmitt, by Dr. Alexander M Lippisch.
Task: Single seat target defense fighter
First Flight:

Me 163B: June 23, 1943

Me 163C: Was being developed, never tested. first test were scheduled for August 1944.

First Delivery: May 1944
First Operational: May / June 1944
Crew: 1
Ejection Seat: no
Me 163B-1a
Wing Span: 9.33 m
Wing Area: 18.5 m²
Length: 5.85 m
Height: (on Dolly) 2.76 m
Engine (s): HWK 509A-1
Weight: 1908 kg
Max. Take off weight: 4310 kg
Max. Speed: 955 Kph
Max. Range: 35.5 km

Two 20 mm MG 151 cannon's (Me 163Ba-1)

Two 30 mm MK 108 cannon's (Me 163B-1a)

Research : M. van Leeuwen

McDonnell F15 Eagle

Peeping things: McDonnell F15 Eagle
Type: Air superiority hunters T


"Designed as replacement for the F-4 Phantom II in the land-based air superiority role and first flown in YF-15 prototype form on July 27, 1972, the F-15 Eagle is another type that has matured as a superb multi-role fighter. The type was planned with a large wing and a thrust/weight ratio exceeding unity for unrivalled climb rate, and from the beginning has been notable for the advanced nature of its avionics and the excellent fields of vision provided for the pilot. The first two models to enter service were the F-15A single-seater and the TF-15A (later F-15B) combat-capable tandem two-seater; both had APG-63 radar and Pratt & Whitney F-100-P-100 afterburning turbofans, and production totaled 366 and 58 respectively for the U.S. Air Force plus 19 and two respectively for the Israeli Air Force.

Delivered from June 1979, the definitive variants are the F-15C single-seat and the F-15D two-seat models with APG-70 radar (with a programmable digital signal processor, synthetic-aperture ground mapping and track-while-scan air-to-air capability), an uprated powerplant, and provision for low-drag conformal packs carrying fuel and fitted with tangential attachments for weapons. Both types remain in production for the USAF, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and are built under license in Japan by Mitsubishi."

First Flight (F-15A) 27 July 1972
(F-15B) 7 July 1973
(F-15C) 26 February 1979
(F-15D) 19 June 1979
Service Entry

(F-15A) 9 January 1976
(F-15B) 14 November 1974
(F-15C) September 1979
(F-15D) December 1979

CREW: (F-15A/C) one: pilot
(F-15B/D) two: pilot, instructor


(F-15A/B) $27.9 million [1998$]
(F-15C/D) $29.9 million [1998$]

Wing Root NACA 64A(.055)5.9
Wing Tip

NACA 64A203

Length 63.75 ft (19.43 m)
Wingspan 42.81 ft (13.05 m)
Height 18.46 ft (5.63 m)
Wing Area 608 ft2 (56.48 m2)
Canard Area

not applicable

Empty 28,600 lb (12,975 kg)
Normal Takeoff (F-15A) 41,500 lb (18,885 kg)
(F-15C) 44,630 lb (20,245 kg)
Max Takeoff (F-15A) 56,000 lb (25,400 kg)
(F-15C) 68,000 lb (30,845 kg)
Fuel Capacity (F-15A)
internal: 11,600 lb (5,260 kg)
external: 11,895 lb (5,395 kg)
internal: 13,455 lb (6,105 kg)
external: 9,750 lb (4,425 kg)
Max Payload

(F-15A) 16,000 lb (7,260 kg)
(F-15C) 16,000 lb (7,260 kg) with conformal fuel tanks
(F-15C) 23,600 lb (10,705 kg) without conformal fuel tanks

Powerplant (F-15A) two Pratt & Whitney F100-100 afterburning turbofans
(F-15C) two Pratt & Whitney F100-220 afterburning turbofans
Thrust (F-15A) 29,340 lb (130.52 kN)
(F-15A) 47,660 lb (212.0 kN) with afterburner
(F-15C) 29,340 lb (130.52 kN)
(F-15C) 47,660 lb (212.0 kN) with afterburner

Max Level Speed at altitude: 1,665 mph (2,655 km/h) at 36,000 ft (10,975 m), Mach 2.5
at sea level: unknown
cruise speed: 570 mph (915 km/h)
Initial Climb Rate 50,000 ft (15,240 m) / min
Service Ceiling 65,000 ft (19,810 m)
100,000 ft (30,840 m) [absolute ceiling]
Range typical: 2,120 nm (3,930 km)
ferry: 2,500 nm (4,630 km) without conformal fuel tanks
ferry: 3,100 nm (5,745 km) with conformal fuel tanks
Endurance 5 hr 15 min with conformal fuel tanks
15 hr with in-flight refueling
g-Limits +9 / -3

Gun one 20-mm M61A1 Vulcan cannon (940 rds)
Stations seven external hardpoints
Air-to-Air Missile AIM-7 Sparrow, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-120 AMRAAM, Python 3, Python 4
Air-to-Surface Missile AGM-88 HARM
Bomb none
Other ECM pods

F-15A Production single-seat fighter; 355 built
F-15B or TF-15A Two-seat combat-capable trainer; 57 built
F-15C Upgraded one-seat fighter with updated avionics and conformal fuel tanks vastly improving the aircraft's range; 408 built
F-15D Upgraded two-seat combat-capable trainer based on the F-15C; 61 built
F-15E Two-seat multi-role fighter with ground attack capability provided by a synthetic aperture radar, LANTIRN targeting pods containing FLIR and terrain-following radar equipment, and increased weapons load; 209 built
F-15F Proposed single-seat fighter based on the F-15E airframe incoporating the F-15E's new engines, radar, and cockpit displays, Saudi Arabia originally ordered 24 of these plus 48 two-seat combat-capable trainer models; not built
F-15/HARM or F-15/PDF Program proposed to convert F-15C/D airframes into defense suppression aircraft carrying HARM missiles; these Precision Direction Finder aircraft would be withdrawn, modified, and reintroduced as the F-22 enters service in the air superiority role
F-15 Baaz Surplus USAF F-15A/B and new-build F-15C/D aircraft sold to Israel; at least 63 (35 F-15A, 2 F-15B, 18 F-15C, 8 F-15D) purchased
F-15J Japanese fighter interceptor based on the F-15C but lacking the F-15C's ECM, radar warning, and nuclear delivery equipment, many license built by Mitsubishi; 211 built
F-15DJ Japanese two-seat combat-capable trainer model based on the F-15D; 12 built
F-15 SMTD F-15B airframe converted as a testbed for short take-off/landing and manuever technologies including thrust vectoring, canards, and advanced pilot interfaces, 138 flights completed between 1988 and 1991; 1 converted
F-15XP Designation originally given to the F-15F single-seat and two-seat aircraft
F-15XX Proposed new-build F-15 with a new radar and various avionics improvements offered as a cheaper alternative to the F-22; cancelled


shot down 5 Syrian MiG-21s (Israel, 1979)
Iraq - Osirak nuclear reactor strike (Israel, 1981)
Lebanon (Israel, 1982)
shot down 2 Iranian F-4Es (Saudi Arabia, 1984)
Tunisia - PLO headquarters strike (Israel, 1985)
Iraq - Operation Desert Storm (USAF, Saudi Arabia, 1991)
Iraq - Operation Northern Watch (USAF, 1991-2003)
Iraq - Operation Southern Watch (USAF, 1991-2003)
Bosnia - Operation Deliberate Force (USAF, 1995)
Iraq - Operation Desert Fox (USAF, 1998)
Kosovo - Operation Allied Force (USAF, 1999)
US Homeland Security - Operation Noble Eagle (USAF, 2001-present)
Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom (USAF, 2001-present)
Iraq - Operation Iraqi Freedom (USAF, 2003-present)


US Air Force
Saudi Arabia


F-15 Eagle

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II

Airplane: McDonnell Douglas F4F phantom Type: All-weather hunter Technical data: Engine: two General Electric J79GE17 turbines Achievement: 2390 kmh, service ceiling of 19685m, operation radius 1400 km Weight: Unloaded weight 12700kg, takeoff weight 26308kg Dimension: Span 11,70m, length 17,76m, height of 4,96m Weapons: a 20mm cannon, up to 1400kg weapons at external suspension towers Picture: Douglas F4F phantom

F22 Raptor

Airplane: Lockheed F22 RWS gate
Type: Air superiority hunters
Technical data:
Engine: two Pratt&Whitney F119P100 turbines
Achievement: 2335 kmh, service ceiling of 19800m, operation radius 1250 km Weight: Unloaded weight 14000kg, takeoff weight 27200kg
Dimension: Span 13,10m, length 19,55m, height of 5,39m
Weapons: all weapons are accommodated in the internal weapon pit
Picture: F22 RWS gate