Tuesday, April 10, 2007

MiG 15 Mikoyan 15 UTI


Aircraft Type: MIKOYAN (Soviet Union) MiG-15 2 Seater Fighter Trainer
Performance: Maximum Speed 652 mph (1,050km/h) at sea level.
Initial Climb: 8,268 ft/min (42m/sec)
Power Plant: One Klimmov RD-45F (Rolls Royce Nene derivative) centrifugal turbojet rated at 2,270kg static thrust.
Fuel: Internal fuel capcity 1,460 litres. Optional drop tanks capacity 1,920 litres.
Weights: Empty equipped: 3382kg. Normally loaded (clean): 4806kg.
Armament: One 39mm Nudelman N-37 cannon with 40 rounds and two 23mm Nudelman-Sureanov NS-23KN cannon with 80 rpg

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